Look, I get it.
You want to make some extra income. Things are tight. The economy is bad. Maybe you're unemployed. And if you're working, your company is asking more of you and paying you less. You're struggling to make ends meet.
I see dozens of questions from those new to the Internet every week.
It seems that the majority are under the impression that making money online is easy. And there are lots of "gurus" out there selling systems that might give you the impression in their sales copy that if you buy their thing the money will just come pouring in.
Now, while leverage and scaling are the way to build a successful business, any way you slice it, it's WORK. One of my mentors recently opined that the most successful people who made their livings online were more like factory workers going to work with a lunch pail.
It's not all limelight, easy money, and fast cars.
When I first started hanging out on Warrior Forum with absolutely no knowledge, I got a leg up from a lot of good people and I want to pay it forward.
So, I am going to GIVE you the million dollar information. I'm going to give you right here what people pay hundreds (and even thousands) of dollars for right here in the public forum in answer to your questions. If you want to make it online, this is the process. Period.
1. PICK A PROFITABLE NICHE. First: determine what interests you. It will be difficult to make money if you are just plodding along at something that doesn't interest you. That's what you do at work and that's the place you're trying to get AWAY from. So, don't just pick a niche because you think it will make you a lot of money. Pick a niche because it genuinely interests you. Make a list of your interests. THEN, consider how you can make money at them. To do this, go to Google and type in your hobby or passion. Say it's "golf" or "dogs" Whatever, type it into the search box. Look at the sponsored links above and to the right of the organic listings. People are paying money for those sponsored links. What are they selling? How are they profiting from the niche you're interested in? Can YOU make money in the same way? Are they selling a physical product? A service? What are they doing? Get your own creative juices flowing. HINT: If you put your hobby or passion in and there is very little in the sponsored links, then chances are it's not a big money-maker. You need to focus on a niche that can make you money. Otherwise, it's just a hobby or charity and not a business.
2. DEVELOP YOUR OWN PRODUCT. Okay, once you have picked your niche, create a product. You're going to create a 10 to 50 page report on the topic of your selected niche. Turn it into a .PDF. You MUST have a product. It may be your main product or it may be an entry product to get people onto your list. Don't overthink this. Get a product. Write it, have it written for you, get a PLR (private label rights) product. Whatever. Just get it done. You have one week. GO!
3. CREATE YOUR SALES COPY. You must develop a killer sales letter. Think back to the programs you have signed up for. Why did you sign up HERE? You read some awesome sales copy. It pushed your emotional hot buttons. Number one thing to do. If you want to be successful online, you NEED to know how to write killer sales copy that causes people to hit "BUY NOW!" This is even more important and technical than the creation of your product. Get it right and you will be successful.
4. SET UP YOUR WEBSITE AND AUTOMATED SYSTEM. You need your squeeze page and setup in JVZoo, or Clickbank, or whatever affiliate platform you have chosen to use to handle the sales of your product. This might be a simple one item funnel, OR it might be an entire funnel with multiple upsells, one-time-offers, downsells, etc... Remember, the NUMBER ONE GOAL is NOT to make a sale, it's to GET THE CUSTOMER ON YOUR MAILING LIST!!! Do not lose sight of this. Your #1 goal is to build a HUGE mailing list of BUYERS. (NOTE: This is the technical part where people get stuck in the weeds. Don't get stuck. Power through it.)
5a. DEVELOP YOUR LIST OF AFFILIATES. You need affiliates to sell your product. Before your big launch, get as many affiliates on board and ready to promote your product to their mailing lists. Spend quality time focusing on getting AFFILIATES to drive MASSIVE traffic to your site!!! Use Muncheye.com, use your existing list, join membership groups, make phone calls, create fun contests, get the word out.
5b. SEND MASSIVE, TARGETED, INEXPENSIVE TRAFFIC TO YOUR SITE. If you can't drive traffic to your offer, you're finished before you even get out of the gate. If you spend more for that traffic than you make selling your product you're losing money. You need an inexpensive system for getting red hot, ready-to-buy, targeted traffic. And you need LOTS of it... (Hint: Figure this out and you're golden!)
6. LAUNCH YOUR PRODUCT. On the appointed day....BLAST OFF!
7. DEVELOP BACK END PRODUCTS. THIS is where you make your money. You need a combination of low-ticket, medium-priced, and then HIGH TICKET items to sell your customers. So, maybe it's a $9.97 product > $17 product > $47 product > $197 product > $397 product > $1,997 product. Maybe somewhere in there is a membership site that's like $37 per month. This is called a "continuity program" and without it, you'll have a difficult time making a regular income online. (That alone was worth hundreds of dollars. I hope you picked up on that tidbit.)
8. CONTINUE STEPS 2 THROUGH 7. Over and over and over again. Maybe once per month or every two months. Build your sales funnel and build your LIST!!! (Remember the saying, "The money is in the list!")
9. MARKET TO YOUR LIST!!! Between launches of your own products, continue to market to your list. Provide them with a combination of high value free information that keeps them interested and engaged. At least 3 times per week send them a quality offer for a product that you believe in with your affiliate link. As your list grows, you will make more money from these mailings. So, you see you alternate between product CREATOR and AFFILIATE to promote others' products. Your willingness to reciprocate will create good will and help you in getting others to help with your own launches. In fact, your product's #1 job is to BUILD YOUR LIST. (Did I mention that your #1 marketing priority is building your list?)
10. BUILD FUNNEL AFTER FUNNEL AFTER FUNNEL! Okay, so once you have one successful sales funnel, go work on another one in a DIFFERENT niche. Or a different sub-niche. When you have several good funnels built your leads will be coming in on auto-pilot. It will take a minimum amount of effort to keep all of the balls spinning in the air. You will have attained SUCCESS!
Some of these steps require more technical understanding than others.
You are in the right place. Your fellow entrepreneurs on this site will be more than happy to help you move forward on your journey. Build relationships here with your fellow travelers on the Internet success journey.
Study the material here. Take advantage of the great tools.
Create a daily plan and focus on your priorities to take you to the next level.
Wishing you all the best,
Monday, 31 October 2016
Sunday, 30 October 2016
This list of sites to submit your YouTube videos to is currently over 90 sites long!
This list of sites to submit your YouTube videos to is currently over 90 sites long!
Social bookmarking sites
http://animeshinbun.com/ – Anime related only
http://n4g.com/ – Gaming related only
http://filmwatch.com/ – Movie related only
http://techspy.com/ – Tech related only
https://news.ycombinator.com/ – tech related only
Blogs You Can Submit Your Videos To
Blogs are the modern newspapers and magazines, and they can drive a ton of traffic to your videos. It is in the interest of a blog to constantly post new content to keep their readers coming back, and submitting your videos can possibly get them featured on these blogs.
9gag.tv video submission form
http://submit.boingboing.net/ or http://boingboing.net/suggest.html
Traditional News Agencies and TV Shows
Want to get your video featured on the evening news? Try submitting your content to these places.
Where to submit Video RSS and MRSS Feeds
Including your YouTube channel RSS feed in these indexes will help your video rank higher in search engine results.
Where to find your YouTube channel RSS feed? It usually looks like this:
Just replace ‘channelusername‘ with your own channel’s user name and the feed should work!
Here are the sites for submitting RSS feeds:
Social bookmarking sites
http://animeshinbun.com/ – Anime related only
http://n4g.com/ – Gaming related only
http://filmwatch.com/ – Movie related only
http://techspy.com/ – Tech related only
https://news.ycombinator.com/ – tech related only
Blogs You Can Submit Your Videos To
Blogs are the modern newspapers and magazines, and they can drive a ton of traffic to your videos. It is in the interest of a blog to constantly post new content to keep their readers coming back, and submitting your videos can possibly get them featured on these blogs.
9gag.tv video submission form
http://submit.boingboing.net/ or http://boingboing.net/suggest.html
Traditional News Agencies and TV Shows
Want to get your video featured on the evening news? Try submitting your content to these places.
Where to submit Video RSS and MRSS Feeds
Including your YouTube channel RSS feed in these indexes will help your video rank higher in search engine results.
Where to find your YouTube channel RSS feed? It usually looks like this:
Just replace ‘channelusername‘ with your own channel’s user name and the feed should work!
Here are the sites for submitting RSS feeds:
MLM by Gary Halbert
South of Jewfish Creek,
Dear Friend & Subscriber,
South of Jewfish Creek,
Dear Friend & Subscriber,
What I am about to write, I should have written a long time ago.
You know, hardly a day goes by that I don't get one or more requests to help someone with some sort of multi-level or "network" marketing scheme. Anymore, I don't even return the telephone calls or answer the letters. In fact, my staff has instructions to automatically destroy all communications from people who want my help in these areas and to not even tell me about their inquiry.
In *one of my recent seminars, there was a couple of guys who didn't tell me they were involved in multi-level marketing until they got up on the "hot seat." Everything they were involved in was a total scam. Well, I let them and the audience talk for a while and then... I let them have it. I've never behaved that way or used that kind of language at a seminar before and, I hope I never do again.
After the hot seat, we threw them out of the seminar.
Now look, just in case there is any remaining doubt in anybody's mind about how I feel on this subject, please underline the following sentence in your mind:
It sucks big time. It's dorky, it's dangerous, it's sleazy and it's stupid. It is a magnet for slime. It is true that not every product sold by multi-level marketing is inferior. It is also true not every person involved in this nonsense is unethical. I must admit their are some (very few) good products and some (very few) good people involved in this insanity. However, even though it sometimes involves good products and good people...
Multi-Level Marketing Is
Always Stupid!
Always Stupid!
The "rap" on one recent multi-level scam is that, some time ago, there was a product developed which enhances gas mileage by 30% or more. However, until recently, this product was not put on the market because it was too bulky and, therefore, difficult and expensive to ship. But now, lo and behold, modern technology has enabled scientists to "concentrate" this product down into something called a "green bean"... and... all you have to do is pop one of these little dudes into your gas tank and you can cut your fuel bills by a huge percentage.
What a joke. If all this were true, you certainly wouldn't have to peddle this little miracle by multi-level. Actually, you wouldn't even need to do any kind of conventional marketing. No way. If all this were true, all you'd need was...
A Press Conference!
What you'd do is, you'd stand in front of a group of reporters and say, "Look, I know you're all skeptical and I don't blame you. However, this little green bean really does work and we are going to pass several of them out to each of you. All I want you to do is plop one of them into your gas tank the next time you fill up and then, keep a careful record of your gas mileage. After you do this for a couple of weeks, the results will speak for themselves."
What would happen then, if this green bean really worked? It's simple; you'd have a nationwide sensation on your hands. Individuals and organizations would be beating down your door. You'd be all over the evening news in a flash. You'd be on *Jay Leno, Oprah and all the rest. But, alas, the "green bean" cannot be promoted like this because...
It's A Fraud!
Just like all the multi-level cosmetics and vitamins that are going to give you back your youth. Just like that stupid "gold scam" where you buy "right to purchase more" certificates you are then supposed to go out and sell to other people who are just as gullible as you. But what about the legitimate products being sold via multi-level? Consider this: There was a nice man who came to my seminar in Los Angeles at the Century Plaza who had an entire catalog of good stuff to sell. He wanted my help on focusing down on which product he should concentrate on selling. One of his products was an oriental weight-loss plan and I suggested he concentrate on that. He said fine and would I teach him how to build a huge "downline" to sell the product?
Reluctantly, I said I would but only if first, he would give me a chance to talk him out of it. Then I told him that currently, one of my clients was mailing a weight-loss promotion to the tune of 125,000 first-class letters per day! Then, I asked him, "How many people would you have to have in your downline to achieve the sales my client is getting in just one single week?"
The point is this: If you have something good to sell, sell it! Don't sell somebody else on the idea of selling somebody else to sell somebody else to sell somebody else, etc., etc., etc.
One of the current dumb MLM ideas is based on a telephone deal that will lower a person's telephone bill. Assuming this deal is legitimate, wouldn't it be faster, more profitable and less hassle to sell this by direct mail? All you'd have to do is get one of the big compilers to rent you a mailing list which included phone numbers (there are tens of millions of such names) and then mail a letter that starts out something like this:
June 6, 1991
Rodney Efferheart
7496 Caleb Street Lorimar, CA 33099
Dear Rodney,
You and I have never met but I know three things about you:
1. You live on Caleb Street in Lorimar, California.
2. Your telephone number is (907) 489-1633.
3. Your telephone bills are way too high!
How do I know all this? Well, #1 and #2 are simply a matter of public record. And, as far as #3 is conceerned, I've recently learned that nearly everybody's phone bill in Lorimar is way too high!
Here's the scoop. Etc., etc., etc., blah, blah, blah, and so forth...
Think about this, dear subscriber: It would only cost you a few hundred smackers to test such a letter and, if it worked, you could easily "snowball" this thing until you were mailing over 100,000 letters per week...
Almost Forever!
Assuming you were getting say a 5% response from your letter, you'd be taking in about 1,000 orders every working day. Now, I ask you, how many DD's ("Downline Dorks") would it take you to equal that kind of action? What if, for example, when I created the famous coat-of-arms promotion, I decided to sell those family crest reports by MLM? How well would I have done? Well, by selling them by direct mail, we sometimes took in 20,000 checks per day. Tell me, how many DD's would you have to have to equal that?
The whole idea of MLM is stupid. It's also depressing. What's more, MLM has something in common with a pretty woman, which is...
Both Of Them Can
Lower Your I.Q.!
Lower Your I.Q.!
Ever try to talk rationally to a guy who is in love? You're wasting your time. The object of his affection could be an ax murderess and he'd still see nothing but good in her.
So it is with MLM. Take a super smart guy like Howard Ruff, get him on the subject of MLM and there, right before your eyes, you'll see his eyes glaze over and his brain begin to melt. He will become unreachable and unteachable. Burn him once and he'll come back for more. Because, as they say, "It's not the concept that was bad, it was the people."
Wrong. Everything about MLM is bad. MLM is not inherently evil but it does (nearly always) attract inherently evil people. Even if you start out with good products, good intentions and good people, you will eventually, if you grow a little, attract a massive amount of human scum into your operation. And, even if this were not true, the whole idea is still stupid. When you shuck right down to the cob, MLM is simply a magnet for lazy people who are looking for a way to sell without selling.
The whole thing sucks.
Now, let me save some of you some time and energy. Many people are going to read what I've just written and they are going to want to explain to me where I've missed the boat. They'll say, "Yes, what you say is normally true, but this deal is different. We've got the greatest product in the world and it's totally backed up by unbiased scientific research. Not only that, some of the finest people in America are in our organization. We've got lawyers, judges, doctors, millionaires, clergymen, and so on. Yes Gary, what you say is usually right but us... we're different."
I don't care. What you're doing is still stupid and, as far as I'm concerned, you can take your "green beans," your Nu-Skin, your wonder vitamins, your gold certificates, etc. and...
Stuff 'Em Where
The Sun Don't Shine!
The Sun Don't Shine!
I wonder, could there be anyone out there still confused about how I feel about MLM? Yes, I'm sure there are since, in my opinion, MLM is an I.Q. lowering drug that should probably be regulated by the FDA. Therefore, for those of you reading this who want to write or phone me about MLM, you'll be wasting your time. My staff has been told they can be fired just for giving me a message from someone who is writing or phoning about MLM. If you are involved in MLM, I don't want you at my seminars, I don't want to hear your voice on the phone, I don't want to read your letters, I don't want to meet you in person and basically...
I Don't Even Want
To Know Of Your Existence!
To Know Of Your Existence!
Now look, there's nothing wrong with looking for an easy way to make a buck as long as it's legal, slime-free and ethical. So, after having trashed MLM, I feel I owe it to you to reveal unto you a genuine "magic way" to make some money. I am looking at you right now in my mind's eye. You're sitting there reading this letter and you're saying to yourself, "Gosh, Gary's right about MLM but I sure wish he'd give me a fool-proof, can't-fail plan that will pull in fungolas like crazy. Something that will work anywhere. Something I can do all by myself. Something that will work over and over and has an unlimited potential."
Am I right? Isn't that what you're thinking? What's that? You say I'm notright? You say you have no interest in an ethical new way to rake in huge piles of cash?
OK fine, then I'll write about something else. Did I ever tell you about the time I was in a bar in Germany when this girl came over to me and...
JUST KIDDING! JUST KIDDING! I will tell you. I swear. I'll do it right now.
OK, to begin with, here is what should be one of the most exciting sentences you will ever read:
"90% Of All Business Owners In
America Have Never Written A Sales
Letter To Their Customers!"
America Have Never Written A Sales
Letter To Their Customers!"
Think about what this means! It means there are millions and millions of fungolas just laying around out there waiting for someone to pick them up. This is a jackpot situation! Here's how to exploit this baby:
Step #1: |
Cut out all ads of local business owners in the yellow pages of your telephone book.
Step #2: | Cut out all ads of local business owners that have ran in your local newspaper in the last week or so. |
Step #3: | Write a personal letter to 100 of these business owners and tell each one you saw his ad recently and you have a proven idea he can use (at no cost to him) that will generate a lot of profit for his business in the next two weeks. |
Step #4: | Send out all 100 of these letters by Federal Express. (Don't economize here. Don't use first-class mail, certified mail, UPS, Express Mail or anything else.) Dammit, use Federal Express! |
Step #5: | Wait 1-day and then call each of these business owners and ask if he got your Fed Ex letter and chat him up a bit and ask him if you can have a five minute personal meeting with him. |
Step #6: | Go to all your appointments and interview each business owner. What you want to find out is (1) Does he seem like an OK guy you could work with, and if so, (2) How many names are there on his customer list, and (3) What product or service does he have that has a large profit margin that is already a good seller. |
OK, that's the first half of what you do. Now, just for the heck of it, let's say one of the guys you are talking with is the owner of an art gallery and he has just received a shipment of original oil paintings done by a famous artist. During the course of your interview you discover these oil paintings are priced in the $12,000 to $15,000 range which is a 50% mark-up over dealer's cost. What you do next is, you tell the gallery owner you want to take a shot at selling those paintings for him for an average of $2,000 more than he was going to sell them for and that extra $2,000 will be your "commission." Tell him you are going to write a sales letter to all of his customers which will make many of them come to his gallery with checkbook in hand.
He'll either agree or he won't. Don't waste a lot of time trying to convince him. If he's not a savvy, fair-minded guy, simply go to the next person on your list. This is simply a game of percentages. What you are doing is fishing. You're trying to locate a savvy guy, an honest guy, a guy with a good sense of humor, an easy-to-work-with likeable guy who will be happy to allow you to increase his sales on a basis that is risk-free to him.
Work this plan and you will find such people. Once you do, you then shake hands on a deal and you proceed as follows:
Step #7: | Write a sales letter about those oil paintings. Tell how they just arrived, how they are in limited supply, how they represent a good investment potential, how beautiful they are, etc. Then, invite the reader to a private viewing of those paintings. |
Step #8: | Send out 100 of these letters via Federal Express. |
Step #9: | Wait 1-day and then call each of these customers, ask if he got your Federal Express letter and chat him up a bit and "nudge" him to come to the private viewing. |
Step #10: | Go to to the private viewing yourself, help the owner pull off this shindig and collect your commissions... and then... |
Work This Same Plan (And
Variations Of It) Over And Over
And Over With Various Business Owners!
Variations Of It) Over And Over
And Over With Various Business Owners!
Summed up, this plan is very simple: Locate business owners who sell high mark-up goods who have a healthy customer list to whom they have never mailed a sales letter and then you write sales letters to those customers and take a cut of all sales that result.
A few fine points: (A) Do not approach these business owners as a marketing consultant or an advertising expert. Approach them as an investor. (B) Don't use the owner's money even if he wants you to. Use your own. This is very important because it will immediately establish the "tone" of your relationship. (C) Don't "sell" these business owners very hard. You are looking for the "gold" among these guys and you'll wear yourself out if you run around trying to turn sow's ears into silk purses. Deal only with those who are eager for your proposition. (D) Value yourself. Don't act as though anybody is doing you a favor by granting you the interview. If anything, it's you that's doing the favor. (E) And finally... stop worrying about whether or not you are going to be cheated in one of the deals. You will be. That's part of life. Just keep moving, holding on to the quality, discarding the trash... and... someday, you'll have an extended family of clients, friends, lovers, associates, employees and so on who are "human gems" that add sparkle, quality, laughter, support and love to your life.
People like all the neat folks in my life!
Sincerely, | |
![]() | |
Gary C. Halbert |
P.S. | Please do not misinterpret what I wrote about Howard Ruff. He's a very intelligent, very savvy, moral man. I suspect his I.Q. is far higher than mine and I've learned a lot from him. I read his letter, listen to his lectures and I have enormous respect for him. It's just that when he's "on" MLM he, like everybody else, loses his ability to think straight. |
Sort of like me, when I was on the beach in Cannes and I saw all those... ah, forget it. | |
P.S. #2 | I am now in the process of sending a personal thank you note to everyone who made a contribution to the Domestic Abuse Shelter. Not only that, those of you who responded are about to be let in on one of the hottest ways to make money I have come across in the last 10 years! |
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! |
the matrix system 1
I never owned or joined a binary program so I don't understand the concept of a binary.
However I fully understand matrices.
You can have as many levels across or down.
Most scripts only allow 10 persons across and 10 persons down.
You set a membership fee.
Persons on level 1 are paid a portion of the membership fee.
Persons on level 2 are paid a portion of the membership fee, and so on down the line.
Example if the membership fee was $25
Level 1 gets $10
Level 2 get $5
Then the admin profit would be $25 - $10 - $5 = $10 for each person that signs up.
Each new person entering the matrix, a portion of their fee goes to the members at the top and the rest of the fee goes to the admin.
This happens until the persons at the top of the matrix have filled up all their spaces.
Then the next persons at the top get their share, etc.
A "matrix", which can also called a "forced matrix" is a pyramid type structure - for example, a 2 x 3 matrix is where each person who comes into the program, will need to "Sponsor" or "Recruit" 2 people, and basically they will be "Paid" when they Get 2, Who Get 2, Who Get 2 - A Matrix Scheme can theoretically be in almost any combination: 2X2, 2X3, 3X3, 4X5, Etc...
NOTE: Basically, If These Comp Plan(s) Are Paying Out More (or Only) Money For Referring or Recruiting Others, then it is Paying Out For The Actual Sale Of Products or Services, The Program May Very Likely Be Considered A Scam... by the FTC and/or the FBI.
A "Binary" compensation plan is usually structured using 2 "Legs" - a Right Leg and a Left Leg - one is typically called a "Power Leg" and the other, the "Money Leg" or "Profit Leg".
The Power Leg is the first position where someone's first New Member will automatically be placed, and a Power Leg can be filled with members extending from Up-Line Members (sometimes termed "Spill-Over") down through the newest members, which can sometimes extend a Power Leg hundreds or even thousands of members deep...
In order for someone in a Binary Plan to be paid, they will normally be Required to Recruit (at least) 1 person into the Power Leg, and others into the Profit Leg, and will typically begin to be paid when the Power Leg and the Profit Leg reach a certain "Matching Volume" - which is basically a percentage of the Power Leg to the Profit Leg - i.e. typically on a 1/3 or 2/3 basis or on a percentage basis, meaning you will get paid a specific amount of money each time you generate a certain percent or volume between the "Legs", as long as you have an equal or greater percent or volume in your Power Leg. For example, you could be paid if 60% of the volume required is in your Power Leg and 40% is in your Profit Leg.
Something like that... Have A Nice Day!
However I fully understand matrices.
You can have as many levels across or down.
Most scripts only allow 10 persons across and 10 persons down.
You set a membership fee.
Persons on level 1 are paid a portion of the membership fee.
Persons on level 2 are paid a portion of the membership fee, and so on down the line.
Example if the membership fee was $25
Level 1 gets $10
Level 2 get $5
Then the admin profit would be $25 - $10 - $5 = $10 for each person that signs up.
Each new person entering the matrix, a portion of their fee goes to the members at the top and the rest of the fee goes to the admin.
This happens until the persons at the top of the matrix have filled up all their spaces.
Then the next persons at the top get their share, etc.
A "matrix", which can also called a "forced matrix" is a pyramid type structure - for example, a 2 x 3 matrix is where each person who comes into the program, will need to "Sponsor" or "Recruit" 2 people, and basically they will be "Paid" when they Get 2, Who Get 2, Who Get 2 - A Matrix Scheme can theoretically be in almost any combination: 2X2, 2X3, 3X3, 4X5, Etc...
NOTE: Basically, If These Comp Plan(s) Are Paying Out More (or Only) Money For Referring or Recruiting Others, then it is Paying Out For The Actual Sale Of Products or Services, The Program May Very Likely Be Considered A Scam... by the FTC and/or the FBI.
A "Binary" compensation plan is usually structured using 2 "Legs" - a Right Leg and a Left Leg - one is typically called a "Power Leg" and the other, the "Money Leg" or "Profit Leg".
The Power Leg is the first position where someone's first New Member will automatically be placed, and a Power Leg can be filled with members extending from Up-Line Members (sometimes termed "Spill-Over") down through the newest members, which can sometimes extend a Power Leg hundreds or even thousands of members deep...
In order for someone in a Binary Plan to be paid, they will normally be Required to Recruit (at least) 1 person into the Power Leg, and others into the Profit Leg, and will typically begin to be paid when the Power Leg and the Profit Leg reach a certain "Matching Volume" - which is basically a percentage of the Power Leg to the Profit Leg - i.e. typically on a 1/3 or 2/3 basis or on a percentage basis, meaning you will get paid a specific amount of money each time you generate a certain percent or volume between the "Legs", as long as you have an equal or greater percent or volume in your Power Leg. For example, you could be paid if 60% of the volume required is in your Power Leg and 40% is in your Profit Leg.
Something like that... Have A Nice Day!
21 Sebab Kenapa Peniaga Wajib Ada Blog Bisnes
21 Sebab Kenapa Peniaga Wajib Ada Blog Bisnes
Tak kiralah anda adalah usahawan online atau konvensional (fizikal, brick and mortar punya kedai), kalau anda tak ada blog, anda memang sangat kesian.
Seriously..kesian sangat. Sebabnya:
Penat Tapi Tak Berbaloi
Anda sangat rajin dalam buat promosi bisnes anda tetapi promosi-promosi tu macam touch and go. Habis kempen, habis la marketingnya. Buat FB Ads dan lepas tu? Kena buat lagi kah? Dan lagi kah?
Anda dah laburkan dan mungkin leburkan banyak duit yang resultnya mungkin touch n go juga. Dengan blog, anda boleh tulis sekali tapi pakai baaaaaaanyak kali. Ia kekal di situ. Tak hilang dek masa. Lagi lama, lagi bagus. Free pulak tu.

Buatlah Bisnes Sorang-Sorang
Anda kehilangan banyak prospek yang suka ‘Google’ dalam setiap benda yang ingin di carinya, walaupun goreng pisang panas terbaik di pekan tersebut.
Anda dah mula kalah di mata Google berbanding pesaing anda, walaupun hakikatnya, bisnes anda mungkin lebih baik dan kencang dari pesaing anda.
Buang Masa Dengan Layan SMS dan WhatsApp Untuk Benda Berulang
Anda kehilangan suara dalam menerangkan produk anda secara 24 jam sehari dan 7 hari seminggu. Anda terpaksa layan semua SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook PM secara manual dan panjang DAN lama.
Paling kesian kalau dah layan message 1 jam, dan customer tak nak beli pun. Aduh.
Kan best kalau keterangan tu dah boleh tulis elok-elok di blog dan bila pelanggan tanya soalan yang sama, anda tinggal bagi link ke blog aja. Dia pun senang. Anda pun senang.
Anda Tiada Autoriti di Mata Pelanggan?
Pesaing anda yang rajin berblog mungkin kelihatan mempunyai kepakaran dan autoriti yang lebih tinggi dari anda walaupun anda sebenarnya lebih pakar dalam ruang bisnes anda. Ini amat ketara pada mata pelanggan yang suka membaca dan buat research.
Produk Unik dan Tiada Pesaing. Tapi Tiada Pembeli
Produk atau servis anda mungkin unik dan tak ramai pesaing tapi pelanggan anda tak tau kewujudan produk dan servis anda sebab …. dia tak jumpa di Google dan tiada siapa pernah bagi taunya.
This is my .com address. Your?
Anda kehilangan peluang untuk letak nama domain (seperti www.zulfa.com.my) di promosi iklan fizikal (banner, bunting, flyers, name card dan sebagainya).
Berapa banyak info kita boleh letak dalam medium iklan macam tu? Tak banyakkan. Macam mana kalau pelanggan nak tau lebih lanjut tentang produk tersebut? Call dan SMS anda?
Sesetengah pelanggan lebih gemarkan membaca di web atau blog terlebih dahulu…dan kini dia tak tau nak rujuk blog anda di mana. Sayang.

Tiada Pusat Pemasaran
Strategi pemasaran online anda mungkin tiada titik pusat. Anda buat promosi di Facebook, di Instagram, di Twitter, WeChat, Google+ dan sebagainya.
Semuanya jenuh anda copy paste post yang sama berulang-ulang. Dah tu, tak banyak pula yang boleh ditulis (contohnya instagram).
Kan mudah kalau maklumat lanjut dari promosi-promosi media sosial tu, prospek boleh klik dan baca di blog. Presentasi di blog lebih menarik sebab artikel boleh susun cantik-cantik macam kita buat di Microsoft Words.
Pelanggan Ragu Ragu
Bisnes yang ada blog yang ‘proper’ membuatkan pelanggan lebih yakin dengan anda. Apatah lagi kalau blog tersebut adalah blog yang matang.
Sebabnya, semakin ramai kaki tipu yang menjual di media sosial dan pelanggan dah mula serik. Mereka dah pandai untuk siasat siapakah penjualnya.
Bila mereka jumpa penjual tersebut ada blog yang matang, banyak isi-isi yang bagus dan kelihatan profesional, keyakinan mereka bertambah.
Menulis blog adalah kerja pemasaran yang mudah.
Kalau anda tau pakai Microsoft Words, anda tidak akan ada masalah untuk menulis blog. Segala ‘interface’ adalah hampir sama.
Dan saya ada sebutkan yang blog seperti Blogger (Blogspot) adalah percuma? Tak perlu bayar 1 sen pun untuk mempunyai akaun di Blogger. Jadi memang rugi sangat kalau anda tak ada blog. Benda free kot.
21 Manfaat Blog Untuk Bisnes Anda
Dah 10 manfaat blog yang saya senaraikan di atas. Tapi saya suka nak share sedikit info ini.
- Blogging bukan lah solusi jangka pendek. Ia bermanfaat kepada anda untuk jangka masa yang panjang dan berterusan. Dengan ini modal pemasaran online anda semakin kecil apabila pelanggan yang berpusu-pusu datang mencari anda setelah setiap kali mereka Google produk yang berkaitan dengan produk anda, mereka jumpa blog anda.
- Blogging adalah medium untuk anda promote produk anda tanpa gangguan secara kemas dan tidak perlu berulang-ulang.
- Dengan blog, anda boleh ‘schedule’ bila promosi tersebut akan muncul di Blog anda. Dan ia boleh di copy ke Google+ dan Facebook serta Twitter secara automatik. Perfect untuk anda yang sibuk dan banyak outstation. Anda dah ada secretary percuma.
- Dengan blog juga, anda boleh tarik trafik ke Facebook page anda juga. Google sangat suka blog, apatah lagi Blogger sebab Blogger atau Blogspot adalah miliknya. Dan jangan terkejut, kalau 70% trafik yang datang ke blog dan Facebook page anda datangnya dari entri-entri lama dan tips-tips yang anda kira ‘ramai yang tahu’ tetapi ramai yang cari.
- Dengan menulis blog tentang bidang dan produk bisnes anda, anda akan kelihatan sebagai orang yang arif dan pakar dalam bidang tersebut. Tiada pelanggan mahu membeli produk dari penjual yang mereka tidak yakin. Semua orang risaukan ‘false consultancy’ dan tiada sokongan selepas jualan.
- Blog juga membolehkan pelanggan anda berkomunikasi dengan anda melalui ruangan komen atau pun jika anda bijak, memasukkan ruang komen Facebook ke dalam blog anda. Rata-rata pengguna di Malaysia ada Facebook dan mereka tidak kisah untuk bertanya dan komen di situ. (Contoh: SinarHarian). Dan tahukah anda, setiap kali mereka komen di blog anda, kawan-kawan Facebook mereka pun akan nampak soalan yang mereka tanya… walaupun sekadar ‘PM’. Haa, how about that.
- Berbanding Facebook page, Blog adalah amat kemas dan tersusun. Kita boleh susun kategori produk kita dengan elok. Contohnya: Produk kesihatan, kecantikan dan cadar di 3 kategori berbeza. Setiap produk kesihatan akan berada di bawah produk kesihatan. Jadi pelanggan mudah mencari apa yang mereka nak.
- Fungsi search di Blogger juga adalah jauh lebih baik dan mudah digunakan berbanding Facebook page. Kita kena mudahkan pelanggan mencari apa yang mereka nak supaya mereka mudah nak bagi duit kepada kita.
- Artikel-artikel di blog juga akan kelihatan lebih kemas dan cantik. Tak seperti di Facebook post di mana anda tak boleh nak masukkan gambar antara teks. Kelansungan artikel dan link antaranya adalah amat baik untuk SEO dan juga memudahkan pelanggan anda mendapatkan maklumat.
- Dengan blog juga, anda boleh mengutip maklumat pelanggan anda melalui promosi berterusan. Contohnya ebook percuma. Dan sekiranya pelanggan nak ebook ini, mereka kena isi Nama, Email dan Nombor Telefon. Anda boleh perpanjangkan pemasaran anda ke Email dan SMS marketing di masa hadapan.
- Statistik menunjukkan 92% syarikat yang menulis blog setiap hari akan mendapatkan pelanggan hanya dari blog semata-mata.
- Blog juga boleh mewujudkan keintiman antara anda dan pembaca anda. Apabila dia selalu baca apa yang anda tulis dan dia suka dengan apa yang anda kongsikan, pembaca tersebut terasa rapat dengan anda. Sebabnya, dia membaca apa yang hati anda katakan. Jadi, bila anda promote produk anda, jurang antara pelanggan dan penjual sudah pun dirapatkan. Mudah nak convert ke sale.
- Anda kena sedar yang ramai orang sekarang semuanya pakai smartphone. Segalanya mereka nak Google. Malah, dengan adanya Google Map, Waze, Foursquare, mereka mencari tempat makan pun dengan smartphone. Blog membolehkan premis anda masuk di dalam radar Google. Malah, pelanggan yang berpuas hati dengan produk anda pun mudah nak share info tentang bisnes anda kalau dia tau blog anda.
- Banyak scam yang berlaku di dunia maya apatah lagi di media sosial. Anda wajib ada blog yang anda kerap kemaskini untuk menunjukkan yang anda adalah peniaga yang sungguh-sungguh dan telus. Bila pelanggan anda siasat latar belakang anda (anda mungkin buat iklan di Facebook), dia akan nampak blog anda. Dia baca entri-entri anda. Dan dia tersuka anda. Bila dah suka, jual apa pun mudah.
- Artikel di blog boleh berkait rapat. Kita ada tools yang automatik seperti LinkWithin dan nRelate yang akan memberi cadangan “Anda mungkin meminati… ” artikel-artikel berkaitan. Cuba bayangkan, dia datang nak baca tips menyusu tapi dia juga nampak entri anda review set menyusu atau breast pump yang anda turut jual (sama ada dropship atau affiliate).
- Blog adalah percuma (mostly). Should I say more?
- Jalinan pemasaran antara Blogger pun anda boleh lakukan apabila anda mempunyai Blog. Anda boleh blog walking ke blog-blog orang (tak semestinya peniaga), sebaiknya prospek, tinggalkan komen dan jejak… nanti insya Allah, blogger tu mesti penasaran..siapakah anda. Dia akan datang ke blog anda dan baca apa yang anda tuliskan. Malah, kalau dia suka..silap-silap dia tolong promote produk anda di blognya sekiranya dia rasakan itu amat bermanfaat (itu yang berlaku di projek blog Umrah kami). Syukur sebab yang promote tu adalah POWER BLOGGER yang Google dah respek. Terus melonjak rank kami di Google.
- Social Marketing menjadi lebih mudah kalau anda ada blog sebab blog menjadi ‘center point to your marketing efforts’. Pelanggan dapat mencari lebih banyak info berkaitan dengan klik link di iklan atau posting anda di media sosial. Anda juga boleh share kan pelbagai tips yang anda dah tulis sebelumnya ke media sosial. Jangan terkejut kalau ada marketer yang post semula link tips dan tutorialnya yang ditulis pada tahun lepas. Blog contents are usable. (boleh digunakan semula).
- Dan sekiranya anda menjalankan bisnes MLM, personaliti anda adalah amat penting. Dan blog boleh membantu untuk anda mewujudkan personaliti anda yang anda mahukan. Anda boleh share kisah susah senang anda dalam menjalankan bisnes. Perjuangan anda. Semangat anda. Ini untuk memberi inspirasi kepada pembaca. Pembaca yang sudah terinspirasi dengan anda adalah amat mudah untuk menjadi downline anda. Dia sendiri yang akan cari anda (Proven success, over and over).
- Malah, kalau anda tak buat bisnes MLM pun, self promotion adalah amat penting demi memudahkan anda menjalinkan hubungan antara orang-orang bisnes. Dengan adanya blog, mudah untuk anda highlight kan perkara yang boleh boost image anda atau personaliti anda di mata mereka yang ‘tetiba research’ pasal anda. Tanpa blog…hmmm good luck explaining stuff to them.
- The last one (memang target 21 pun)… Cheap and Practical Online Marketing = Google. Google suka anda, kerja pemasaran jadi sangat mudah. Customer cari anda. Bagaimana nak bagi Google suka? Tulis blog dengan istiqamah dan focus untuk menambah nilai hidup dan ilmu pembaca. Blog membolehkan anda memberi dan memberi secara percuma. Remember: What you give you will GET MORE.
Phew..siap juga 21 sebab ye.

Saya Tak Reti Buat Blog laaa
Dan sekiranya anda tak reti nak design dan make-up kan blog anda, fokus pada bisnes anda dan kandungan blog anda. Kerja-kerja design dan make-up ni boleh serahkan pada yang ahli. Mungkin saudara anda. Mungkin kawan-kawan. Bayar upah sikit tak pe janji bagus.
Tapi kalau anda tak ada sesiapa yang boleh bergantung harap untuk design dan make up blog untuk anda, anda ada dua laluan
- Datang ke Workshop Pakar Blog pada 15 Nov 2014 nanti. Di situ anda akan belajar bagaimana nak buat blog dari A to Z. Complete 8 jam. Klik sini untuk mesej organizer.
- PM saya di Facebook untuk dapatkan blog anda sendiri serendah RM50 sahaja (one time fees). Anda bukan sahaja dapat blog, tapi dapat ebook macam mana nak kendalikan blog anda sendiri.
Dan sekiranya anda nak buat sendiri, saya amat-amat galakkan. Banyak tutorial di web dan Youtube untuk anda yang suka mencuba.
Cuma kalau bisnes dah kencang, saya rasa rugi juga anda korbankan dua tiga hari untuk make-up blog sedangkan anda boleh delegate pada professional ataupun belajar short-cutnya dalam 8 jam.
Penutup entri.. saya hadiahkan gambar di bawah:
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