Tuesday 16 August 2016

How To Replace Your 9-5 And Live The Laptop Lifestyle Using The Warrior Forum

How To Replace Your 9-5 And Live The Laptop Lifestyle Using The Warrior Forum

Are you excited to get a step-by-step plan you can follow that will allow you to create a lifestyle that most people will never be able to experience?
What if I could help you quit your job and begin living the “laptop lifestyle” where you literally can work anywhere around the world as long as you have access to your laptop and an internet connection?
Imagine waking up every morning and checking your email inbox to find that you made over $100 while you were sleeping.
Or how would you like to make $1,000+ in one day?
What about $10,000 in one month.
That is what it’s like to live the laptop lifestyle, and I’m going to show you exactly what you must do to get there.
Step 1
If you want to make money online you have to sell something. If you’re not making any money right now, then I’m pretty sure you’re not selling anything.
In order to sell something, you need to find a problem to solve.
It’s pretty easy to sell water to someone who is thirsty and it’s pretty easy to sell an umbrella to someone who is soaking in rain.
So, you need to find an urgent problem, create a solution (product or service) and then sell it to the people that need that solution.
You can easily check the main internet marketing section on a website like the “warrior forum” to find tons of problems that people are having and all you have to do is come up with a solution.
People on the warrior forum want to know how to….get traffic, sell products, sell affiliate products, increase conversions, and etc…… in other words, people want to know how to make money online.
Every one of those problems has a sub-problem that you can solve.
For example, people want to know how to get traffic, but some people only want free traffic, and some people only want paid traffic. Some people only want YouTube traffic, and some people only want Facebook traffic.
It’s up to you to create a product or service that will solve a problem.
Step 2
Once you find a problem to solve, it’s time to outline your product or service.
You need to have a final result or a promise that you must deliver to your customers.
For example, you can create a product about getting traffic, and once your customer goes through your product and applies what he/she learns the final result could be 100 visitors per day to his/her offer.
There has to be a specific end result that your customers can picture in their mind.
Here is an example of an outlined product.
  1. How To Generate 100 targeted visitors per day to your offer
  2. Free Traffic Methods
    – Forums
    – Facebook
    – YouTube
    – Twitter
  1. Paid Traffic Methods
    – Facebook Ads
    – Bing Ads
    – Banner Ads
    – Google Ads
    – Solo Ads
  1. Action Plan
  2. Final Thoughts
So, that is an example of an outlined product. Start your product outline by explaining what outcome your customer will get once he/she finishes the product.
Then you organize the info in the product and then end the product with an action plan or summary.
Step 3
Once your outline is created it is time to actually fill up your product with content.
If you already have the knowledge necessary to fill the ebook/video course up with practical content, then you can begin writing your ebook or recording your videos.
You can structure your ebook similar to this pdf by having clear steps for your reader to follow.
If you’re creating a video course, you can create a slideshow presentation or you can record yourself actually doing each step.
It’s best to break up each section into its own video instead of just recording one large video. People learn better in bite sized chunks.
The length of your ebook and video should not be your concern. Your ebook and/or video course should be as long as it takes to make sure your viewer will be able to fully comprehend the information in your product.
Make sure to fill in any gaps in your content and make sure you don’t leave out important details.
Obviously nobody is perfect, and not everyone will be able to understand your content 100% of the time, so it would be very helpful to leave a support email address in your ebook or video course where your customers can ask you questions.
Step 4
Once you create your rough draft of your product, you need to go through the product and look for any errors, or misspelled words. Make sure the info in your product is organized and it makes sense.
You want to polish up your product by adding pictures, graphics, and anything that will make your product more appealing.
Pictures and graphics are optional and they aren’t necessary, but it can help increase the perceived value of your product.
Step 5
Now, it’s time to come up with a compelling headline which you will use as the
foundation for your sales letter.
For example, if you were selling a product on how to get traffic, you could use a headline like the following: “How To Generate 100 Targeted Visitors Per Day To Any Website Or Offer” or “Discover The Secrets Of Driving Unlimited Targeted Traffic To Any Offer”.
In the examples, I state exactly what the offer is about so there is no confusion or guessing on the viewer’s part.
Make sure your customer knows what he/she is buying.
This will lower your refund rate especially if you successfully deliver on the promise you make in the headline.
Once you choose your headline it is time to create your sales letter.
Everybody has their own style of copywriting, and some people are born with decent copywriting skills, while others have to work very hard to hone their copywriting skills.
When I write sales copy I just write from the heart and then edit it when I’m done.
If you’re new to the copywriting world I don’t recommend you do that.
Here is how you should structure your sales letter:
1) Where are they (What does your prospect’s life look like without your product)
2) Where do they want to be (What does your prospect want his/her life to look like)
3) Value of getting there (What will your product do for your prospect)
4) Cost of not taking action (What will happen if your prospect doesn’t buy your product)
5) What they have tried in the past (What has your prospect tried in the past to solve his/her problem)
6) Stats, testimonials, reviews, income proof (What kind of proof do you have that your product will work?)
7) Clarify desired end goal (Let them know why he/she needs your product and remind him/her what will happen if they don’t buy your product)
8) Buy now button (Ask for the sale)
That is how you should structure your sales letter.
I also recommend you use a successful product’s sales letter as a model for your sales letter (look for intriguing offers in the warrior forum).
Writing your own sales letter can be a little intimidating but once you do it a couple times it becomes second nature.
Step 6
Getting reviews and testimonials is as simple as going on the forum, finding respected warriors, and sending out a private message asking them to review your product.
I recommend you message at least 15 people and about 5-10 people will respond.
Let them know that you plan on launching the product and you will also give them a 3 day notice so they can post a review on your thread on launch day.
Step 7
Attracting affiliates is actually a lot easier than you think. Now don’t get me wrong, if you want to attract the big affiliates who will send hundreds and thousands of clicks to your offer you will have to bring something to the table.
Simply posting your offer on JV Sites such as Warriorjv.com and Muncheye.com will get you some attention from affiliates.
You can also search for jv groups on facebook and post your offer in those groups.
If you want to get some big affiliates on your launch, it would be wise to search sites such as warriorplus and jvzoo and look for product vendors who have sold 100s or even thousands of products. Chances are, if a product vendor has sold a lot of products, he/she probably has a big list.
So, look for successful product owners and send them a friend request on Facebook.
Introduce yourself and let them know that you are a product creator and you would love to jv with them if possible.
It’s okay to let them know that you’re new to the game and you would be willing to do something for him/her in exchange for their support.
You will be surprised but some of the most successful people are actually very helpful and willing to support you if you approach them in a humble manner.
Step 8
Now your product is created, your sales page is done, you’ve sent out some review copies to respected marketers, and you have some affiliates onboard.
It’s time to launch your product.
It’s important to set a specific launch date and stick to it.
Make sure the technical aspect of the launch is handled (buy now button must be working, sales page must be structured correctly, download pages must be setup, and etc….).
Once everything is setup, all you have to do is wait for launch day and launch your product.
Once your product is launched, message all your reviewers and tell them to leave a review on your thread.
The only thing left to do is sit back and watch the sales pour in.
Make sure you keep an eye on your support email inbox because you’re sure to get some emails from people who may have problems downloading your product or may have questions and concerns for you.
Step 9
Step 8 was officially the last step, but I decided to add one more optional step.
Look, I’m going to be honest with you.
You could follow the steps in this report and actually have a decent launch, but if you’ve never done this before, the chances are you will either give up half way or make a crucial mistake that may lead to failure.
I’m not here to bring down your hopes but I also want you to be realistic.
So, here is what I will do for you.
I’m going to give you the opportunity of a lifetime.
I will create a product funnel for you and then coach you 1-on-1 to ensure you have a successful launch and continue to profit from your product for years to come.
Sound good?
Here is what I will do for you:
 Your Own Done-For-You Professional Sales Funnel
 My Team And I Will Launch Your Product For You
 90 Days Of Personal 1-on-1 Coaching From Yours Truly “Trey Morgan”
 Access To My Brand New Fearless Boss Program
If you’re interested in getting your own done-for-you product launch and 1-on-1 coaching….sign up for a 15-minute Skype call and we will see if you’re a good fit for the program
To your success,

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