Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Twitter Research Method

Here's a quick and easy way to find out what questions people are asking about a particular topic/niche.

It's a custom Twitter search. Enter the following into the Twitter SEARCH BOX, not your update box.
keywords ? filter:-links

What this will do is search Twitter for tweets that contain your keywords and a question mark (?), but don't contain any links. If the tweet has a link, there's a good chance it's promotional in nature. Although the Twitter search isn't perfect and will return a link or two, it's a great way to really get the "meat".

Note the minus sign before filter: -filter:links.

You can try using your keywords with and without quotes to get specific or general results:

dog training ? -filter:links <= Tweet contains both words in tweet, but not necessarily together.

"dog training" ? -filter:links < Tweet contains the exact phrase

Go to Twitter and give it a try and see what you come up with...


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