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Internet Marketing 2016
Wednesday, 21 June 2017
Monday, 28 November 2016
Best Ways to Drive Traffic
Hi Fellow Warriors!
We did a LOT of testing in 2013 to find out which traffic sources
converted best into subscribers and sales.
Some of them were complete failures. Some of them did far better
than I would have guessed.
We've taken all of the data from 2013 - and created a list of
our top performers...
1. Recruiting Affiliates.
2. Facebook Ads.
3. Solo Ads (Extremely Selective)
4. Content Syndication
5. Blogger Outreach
6. Forum Marketing
We ranked these based on how effective they were AND how much
time they took to implement. Building and nurturing our subscriber
list is the #1 activity in our business. But I only want to spend
2-3 hours per day on traffic. So I zone in on the highest leverage
Im doing this every day consistently and definitely WORKS! Please IF YOU DONT HAVE money you NEED WORK HARD to get quality traffic.
1. choose your niche in which you wish to start earn money.
2. Create account on Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, StumbleUpon, Google+, Tumblr add targeted followers, post every day, talk with others.
3. go to forums and post there your valuable answers (insert your link into signature)
4. do video marketing on youtube
5. slideshare
READ articles on StumbleUpon about marketing you will learn more and more, make notes, like me. Work Hard every day, while others have fun! be king, force yourself to be your own boss, keep going! AND NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!
I launched approximately 5 websites all were unsuccessful I tried about 100 methods how to earn money on internet, but I never enjoyed that.
Now Im doing InternetMarketing and I LOVE it, i have my own clients and profits.
We did a LOT of testing in 2013 to find out which traffic sources
converted best into subscribers and sales.
Some of them were complete failures. Some of them did far better
than I would have guessed.
We've taken all of the data from 2013 - and created a list of
our top performers...
1. Recruiting Affiliates.
2. Facebook Ads.
3. Solo Ads (Extremely Selective)
4. Content Syndication
5. Blogger Outreach
6. Forum Marketing
We ranked these based on how effective they were AND how much
time they took to implement. Building and nurturing our subscriber
list is the #1 activity in our business. But I only want to spend
2-3 hours per day on traffic. So I zone in on the highest leverage
Im doing this every day consistently and definitely WORKS! Please IF YOU DONT HAVE money you NEED WORK HARD to get quality traffic.
1. choose your niche in which you wish to start earn money.
2. Create account on Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, StumbleUpon, Google+, Tumblr add targeted followers, post every day, talk with others.
3. go to forums and post there your valuable answers (insert your link into signature)
4. do video marketing on youtube
5. slideshare
READ articles on StumbleUpon about marketing you will learn more and more, make notes, like me. Work Hard every day, while others have fun! be king, force yourself to be your own boss, keep going! AND NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!
I launched approximately 5 websites all were unsuccessful I tried about 100 methods how to earn money on internet, but I never enjoyed that.
Now Im doing InternetMarketing and I LOVE it, i have my own clients and profits.
Monday, 21 November 2016
What 1200+ of the World’s Best Marketers Think About the Future of Social Media
What 1200+ of the World’s Best Marketers Think About the Future of Social Media
How do other social media teams spend their time? What are THE networks to be on? Where are the opportunities? We know these questions can be quite useful as you reflect on 2016 and look ahead to 2017. And we’d love to shed some light!
At Buffer, we love to learn about how social media marketing is changing and what other social media marketers are doing. And with your help, we gathered responses from over 1,200 marketers to create the State of Social Media 2016 report.
I’d love to share my take on the results of the survey and discuss them with you all here. It’d be great to hear your thoughts about the report. If you prefer to dive straight into the report, feel free to check it out here.
We hope that this information can help you as you plan your social strategies for 2017 and beyond!
5 Key Takeaways Social Media Marketers Need to Know
1. Video is about to hit the peak! Now’s the time to get on
A key theme of the results is video marketing. It feels like video marketing it about to hit the peak and now is the time to get on.
When asked which type of content they would like to create more of if there were no obstacles like time, resources, and budget, 83 percent of the marketers surveyed said video content.
This also matches the channels most marketers are looking to add to their marketing stack in the next 12 months. The top four channels are Facebook video (30%), YouTube (28%), Instagram (26%), and Snapchat (22%) - all of which are heavily reliant on video content.
However, marketers are held back by several factors. Mainly, they felt that they lack the time to create videos (72%) and a belief that videos are expensive to produce (41%). So if you are able to figure a quick and affordable way of creating great videos, you will be able to stand out from the rest.
What you could do:
The best thing to do here could be, simply, to get started with videos and be creative. Videos don’t always have to be full production-grade. A recording of yourself, shot using a smartphone, sharing tips and tricks can be both valuable and personal. Slideshows videos are even easier to create and still work great. Live video is also an interesting option to experiment with as it has yet to hit mass adoption (in fact 71% of marketers in our survey said they were yet to create any live video).
2. Facebook Is Still The Dominating Social Media Marketing Channel
If you are not sure which social media channel to focus on in 2017, consider Facebook.
Even with the decline in organic reach on Facebook, it is the top channel that marketers surveyed (93%) are currently using. About three-quarters of the marketers surveyed posted as much or more content in the past 12 months as they did during the 12 months prior. Almost every marketer surveyed (91%) invested in Facebook ads, too.
Also, as mentioned above, Facebook video is the top priority for marketers in 2017. When looking at live videos specifically, marketers surveyed prefer Facebook Live (73%) over other channels such as Periscope (44%) and YouTube (20%).
What you could do:
If you have the budget for social media ads, Facebook ads might be the most worthwhile investment at the moment. Otherwise, with Facebook seemingly prioritizing videos on the newsfeed, it could be great to experiment with videos and Facebook Live.
3. Most Marketers Are Still Unsure How to Create Business Value Through Social Media
The top three challenges marketers face with social media are: driving traffic to their website (58%), generate leads (49%), and defining ROI and measurement (42%).
These are activities related to creating and tracking business value of social media. Social media marketing is seen as a priority for most marketers, with only 7% of the companies decreasing their budget in this area. It becomes even more important to be able to drive and measure social media’s value to business.
If you are able to do that, you will stand out from other marketers.
What you could do:
Spreadsheets can be a great place to start. By manually tracking the stats that matter, you can get a deeper understanding of your social media performance. If you can afford, tools with inbuilt analytics and reporting system such as SumAll can make things much easier.
4. Know Why You Are On Social Media
Before you dive into creating content and tracking numbers, it might be great to take a step back and consider your goals for social media.
There are numerous reasons for being on social media, and it feels great to know why you want your business to be on social media before planning your social media marketing plan. From our survey, the top reason is brand awareness, followed by community engagement and content distribution.
With changes to social media such as the timeline algorithms, we have to adapt the way we view and use social media. It’s interesting to note that community engagement is ranked higher than content distribution. Social media isn’t only about promoting our own content anymore. It is about engaging and interacting with our followers.
We also have to adapt to the way people are using social media. More and more customers are bringing their issues to brands through social media instead of emailing or submitting a support ticket on the brands’ website.
Yet interestingly, only 21% of businesses are using social media for customer support. There feels like a great opportunity for businesses to stand out and support customers on social media to help reinforce the brand loyalty.
What you can do:
Start by thinking about your social media goals before creating your social media marketing plan. Instead of “seeing what sticks”, be driven by your goals and implement tactics accordingly.
5. Generalists Are Valued
But it isn’t only about understanding social media.
From our survey, only 15% of the respondents focus solely on social media management. Most of them are also working on other areas such as content marketing, email marketing, community, and more.
As the majority of the respondents are from small-medium businesses, this might be hinting to the value of being a generalist (or T-shaped marketer) over being a specialist in small-medium businesses. This is understandable as most employees in small-medium businesses tend to wear multiple hats in their role.
My hunch is this extends to bigger companies too. Jay Baer, the president of Convince and Convert, once wrote,
"What does a social media manager do now? Not long ago, he or she was primarily a writer, using sentence fragments to stoke the passions of customers. Now, that same position may require robust photography, video editing, paid advertising, and analytics capabilities.And how does that social media manager differ from or intersect with a content marketing manager? Is a video social or content? Is YouTube a social network or a content platform?And what about customer service? Is Twitter a marketing channel or a customer service channel? Does the social media manager using Twitter to delight potential customers also handle inquiries from current customers needing support? Is Facebook a marketing channel or a support channel? The same question applies to Facebook Messenger, perhaps even more so."
What you could do:
If you are not sure which path — generalist or specialist — would suit you or is better for you, check out this great discussion thread on whether marketers should be generalists or specialists.
Other Key Insights
Here are other key insights from the report that might interest or surprise you:
- Google+ is the top channel marketers feel they will invest less time in over the next 12 months.
- Twitter is ranked second with 23% of the respondents saying they’ll use Twitter less in 2017.
- Marketers are also struggling with finding time to dedicate to social media (41%) and planning and scheduling content (37%).
- Few marketers are using Medium (10%) and Quora (5%) as marketing channels.
- Only 5% of the respondents are using Snapchat On Demand Filters.
- Only 7% of companies have decreased their social media marketing budgets.
For the full report, feel free to check it out here.
Over To You
And that’s my take on the current state and future of social media. Thanks so much for reading it!
If you had the chance to check out the full report, I’d love to hear your thoughts about it. I’m sure there are many ways to interpret the results, and it’d be great to hear your take on this. I’ll be excited to chat with you in the comments section below.
If you have thoughts on how we could improve the survey, feel free to let us know too. We’re keen to make our future surveys and reports as useful as possible for marketers.
Sunday, 20 November 2016
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Wedding Invitation (Announcement) Videohive
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Sale Ad Toolkit 10108423 Videohive
Friday, 18 November 2016
How to Boost Traffic in a Few days
Can anyone help me out here? I want to know how to boost up huge traffic to website from other sources apart from Facebook, Twitter and other social media...
Do some strategic Blog Commenting on quality/ high volume Websites and Blogs
I want to know this trick as i have seen so many websites having very less backlinks but huge traffic and their alexa rank too boost up within a few days.. what do they actually do.. Please help me
Blog commenting is a very powerful strategy but you do have to put the work in for this to work well. You have to target the right audience in your specific niche and make sure there is traffic to this blog or site.
To get there I going to give you and all others a Ninja trick I learn, use it and find the best blogs and sites in Google first three pages.
Without further a do...Drum roll inurl:blog "post a comment"-"comments closed"-"you must be logged in" "ADD YOUR KEYWORD"
I use this all the time and you should too. Let me know how it goes! :-)
-Timothy B. Miller
Do some strategic Blog Commenting on quality/ high volume Websites and Blogs
I want to know this trick as i have seen so many websites having very less backlinks but huge traffic and their alexa rank too boost up within a few days.. what do they actually do.. Please help me
Blog commenting is a very powerful strategy but you do have to put the work in for this to work well. You have to target the right audience in your specific niche and make sure there is traffic to this blog or site.
To get there I going to give you and all others a Ninja trick I learn, use it and find the best blogs and sites in Google first three pages.
Without further a do...Drum roll inurl:blog "post a comment"-"comments closed"-"you must be logged in" "ADD YOUR KEYWORD"
I use this all the time and you should too. Let me know how it goes! :-)
-Timothy B. Miller
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
Squeeze page alert: Stop giving FREE ebooks. Here is an alternative that converts way better..
How many of you have downloaded Free ebooks only to read the first few pages - never to re-open it again?
This happens to all of us. We never read the FREE ebooks unless they are REALLY REALLY good or are only 5-page long..
Moreover, offering free ebooks is the most common thing you will find on squeeze pages. So, does it stand out from the rest? Not really..Infact, it makes you similar to thousand other product creators.
So what's the best alternative - something that converts even better than ebooks?
I am not going to ask you to create another FREE product. In fact, I just want you to package your ebook differently. You see, old wine in a new bottle..
Here's an alternative that converts way better than ebooks:
Instead of giving away a free ebook, convert your ebook content into a 7-day course that will be emailed to your subscribers throughout the week. Here is why I think it's a better opt-in bribe than anything else:
1. Courses are perceived as high-value products. What would you opt-in for - a FREE 7-day course on mastering your Facebook ads or a FREE ebook on 'mastering your Facebook ads? I leave that to you.
2. When most of the internet gurus are offering free ebooks - a free course stands out and steals more eyeballs.
3. Creating a course is similar to crafting an ebook. The only difference is the way it is packaged. You send 7 emails in 7 days that not only makes your name familiar with your subscribers but also develop interactive relation.
4. A course is more easily followed than an ebook. Why? Because subscribers perceive information in small bits - easy to absorb and be acted upon. ..And when they read your FULL course, they are more likely to consider you as an authority.
5. A 7-day email means 7 great chances to pitch your subscribers with a tripwire. You see, the power of "P.S" comes here.
These are 5 advantages I can think of at the moment. I bet there are several others. Bottom line: Stop giving FREE ebooks. Instead, package them as 7(or 5)-day course, set an autoresponder, and Bingo!
This happens to all of us. We never read the FREE ebooks unless they are REALLY REALLY good or are only 5-page long..
Moreover, offering free ebooks is the most common thing you will find on squeeze pages. So, does it stand out from the rest? Not really..Infact, it makes you similar to thousand other product creators.
So what's the best alternative - something that converts even better than ebooks?
I am not going to ask you to create another FREE product. In fact, I just want you to package your ebook differently. You see, old wine in a new bottle..
Here's an alternative that converts way better than ebooks:
Instead of giving away a free ebook, convert your ebook content into a 7-day course that will be emailed to your subscribers throughout the week. Here is why I think it's a better opt-in bribe than anything else:
1. Courses are perceived as high-value products. What would you opt-in for - a FREE 7-day course on mastering your Facebook ads or a FREE ebook on 'mastering your Facebook ads? I leave that to you.
2. When most of the internet gurus are offering free ebooks - a free course stands out and steals more eyeballs.
3. Creating a course is similar to crafting an ebook. The only difference is the way it is packaged. You send 7 emails in 7 days that not only makes your name familiar with your subscribers but also develop interactive relation.
4. A course is more easily followed than an ebook. Why? Because subscribers perceive information in small bits - easy to absorb and be acted upon. ..And when they read your FULL course, they are more likely to consider you as an authority.
5. A 7-day email means 7 great chances to pitch your subscribers with a tripwire. You see, the power of "P.S" comes here.
These are 5 advantages I can think of at the moment. I bet there are several others. Bottom line: Stop giving FREE ebooks. Instead, package them as 7(or 5)-day course, set an autoresponder, and Bingo!
How to write a #1 ranking post for any niche.
I see a lot of questions asked by people recently about how users can get to the front page of Google. Most people are focusing so much on the off-page factors: backlinks, social shares, and PBNs, that they overlook the most important factor in success with affiliate marketing: content.
People understand that content is king, but not everyone has a solid idea of how to strategize their content for maximum returns and rankings.
There isn't a magic formula that is guaranteed to work, but from working with large scale PBN owners for several years I have noticed some principles of success that can be applied to any niche.
Success Factor #1: 1,000 Words is the Minimum.
Anything less than 1,000 words per post is simply not going to have the meat behind it to ensure high rankings. If you don't have a 1,000-word post on the topic you want to rank for, then someone else will.
What piece of content do you think will be easier to rank? What post will offer more value to the visitor? There simply isn't words to make a 300, or even 500 words post authoritative.
Success Factor #2: Heading tags are critical.
Every post needs to have all of the correct headings of H1, H2, H3 in the right syntax and in descending quantities. Your H1 tag should be in the template of your site as the title. If your post is about 'The Benefits of Probiotics', then the H1 tag should be applied to this text.
The H1 tag is the most important attribute in on-page SEO. Some Wordpress templates do not specify this title tag, so it's important to check to see if it's being used or not. To see if your site is using the H1 tag. you can view the source code of your site and use Search and Replace function to search for '<h1>'.
If this tag is not being used, you can either add it into your Wordpress template via editing the template, or you can change to a theme that supports this. I cannot stress how important having an H1 tag is!
The other tags are H2 and H3. The H2 tag should be used once for the second most important heading in your content.
If you are writing a post about 'The Benefits of Probiotics' using the H1 tag, the second heading could be 'What are Probiotics?', or 'Why should I use Probiotics?'
The H2 tag is added in the Style section of most Wordpress editors. You should not use the H1 or H2 tag more than once.
From there you should be using the H3 and H4 tags for your other sections.
Your keyword needs to appear in at least one heading per post.
Success Factor 3: Keyword Density is not as important as LSI! LSI is King!
There's a lot of contention about what's the right keyword density. The truth is that as long it's around 3~5% you will be good. There is no sense in optimizing this metric as it actually has very little to do with your success or failure in the search engines.
The third most critical success factor is using LSI or as a guideline for writing your posts. In general, you should write content from the perspective of your visitor. How are they going to find your content? What terms are they going to search for?
Instead of having The Benefits of Probiotics as every title, what other terms are they going to search for? What are the synonyms are they going to use?
Probiotic pills
Probiotic supplements
Pills containing probiotics
These synonyms and variations should be used liberally throughout the article, ensuring that you are covering the main keywords and each possible variation.
An article that has one keyword throughout the post is not going to rank well. Why? Because it is unnatural. A real post such as this one is not repeating the same keyword over and over; the article has a natural flow to it and provides real value.
You do need to strategize for the different synonyms and variations for LSI as a method for optimization, but if you do it for the sake of rankings then you are doomed to failure in the long-term.
On the other hand, if you focus on delivering unique value to your visitors, then you will have a much easier time, and you will build a real business.
Anyone who is struggling with ranking their sites will have much more success with following the above principles.
Providing 1,000 words of well-written content, using the right headers and optimizing for LSI will go a long way to securing victory on the search engines.
People understand that content is king, but not everyone has a solid idea of how to strategize their content for maximum returns and rankings.
There isn't a magic formula that is guaranteed to work, but from working with large scale PBN owners for several years I have noticed some principles of success that can be applied to any niche.
Success Factor #1: 1,000 Words is the Minimum.
Anything less than 1,000 words per post is simply not going to have the meat behind it to ensure high rankings. If you don't have a 1,000-word post on the topic you want to rank for, then someone else will.
What piece of content do you think will be easier to rank? What post will offer more value to the visitor? There simply isn't words to make a 300, or even 500 words post authoritative.
Success Factor #2: Heading tags are critical.
Every post needs to have all of the correct headings of H1, H2, H3 in the right syntax and in descending quantities. Your H1 tag should be in the template of your site as the title. If your post is about 'The Benefits of Probiotics', then the H1 tag should be applied to this text.
The H1 tag is the most important attribute in on-page SEO. Some Wordpress templates do not specify this title tag, so it's important to check to see if it's being used or not. To see if your site is using the H1 tag. you can view the source code of your site and use Search and Replace function to search for '<h1>'.
If this tag is not being used, you can either add it into your Wordpress template via editing the template, or you can change to a theme that supports this. I cannot stress how important having an H1 tag is!
The other tags are H2 and H3. The H2 tag should be used once for the second most important heading in your content.
If you are writing a post about 'The Benefits of Probiotics' using the H1 tag, the second heading could be 'What are Probiotics?', or 'Why should I use Probiotics?'
The H2 tag is added in the Style section of most Wordpress editors. You should not use the H1 or H2 tag more than once.
From there you should be using the H3 and H4 tags for your other sections.
Your keyword needs to appear in at least one heading per post.
Success Factor 3: Keyword Density is not as important as LSI! LSI is King!
There's a lot of contention about what's the right keyword density. The truth is that as long it's around 3~5% you will be good. There is no sense in optimizing this metric as it actually has very little to do with your success or failure in the search engines.
The third most critical success factor is using LSI or as a guideline for writing your posts. In general, you should write content from the perspective of your visitor. How are they going to find your content? What terms are they going to search for?
Instead of having The Benefits of Probiotics as every title, what other terms are they going to search for? What are the synonyms are they going to use?
Probiotic pills
Probiotic supplements
Pills containing probiotics
These synonyms and variations should be used liberally throughout the article, ensuring that you are covering the main keywords and each possible variation.
An article that has one keyword throughout the post is not going to rank well. Why? Because it is unnatural. A real post such as this one is not repeating the same keyword over and over; the article has a natural flow to it and provides real value.
You do need to strategize for the different synonyms and variations for LSI as a method for optimization, but if you do it for the sake of rankings then you are doomed to failure in the long-term.
On the other hand, if you focus on delivering unique value to your visitors, then you will have a much easier time, and you will build a real business.
Anyone who is struggling with ranking their sites will have much more success with following the above principles.
Providing 1,000 words of well-written content, using the right headers and optimizing for LSI will go a long way to securing victory on the search engines.
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