Tuesday, 22 March 2016

big daddy

The reality:
Most people won't even try to do what is taught in this course, because - like most things that are worthwhile - it's perceived as being too much work, or too complicated, etc.
Then something else will come along and s**** up their time. Or distract them.

Or they'll just tell themselves that "it won't work," or "this is not for me," or "I'll do it... next week." 

And "next week" never comes.

Do I know that this will work for you? No. For me? Don't know that, either.

But THESE things I DO know: 
1. IF you don't take some kind of ACTION in the direction of your goals,
you're guaranteed to fail. Won't work.
2. IF you don't DO anything but criticize, pick things apart, and don't believe that something will work - for you or for anyone - WITHOUT TESTING IT FIRST... you'll fail. It won't work.
3. IF you continue to download bright shiny object after bright shiny object and NOT apply what you've learned - or only apply it a little bit, then give up at the first roadblock, guess what? Fail. Ain't gonna work.

Now, I'm not meaning to sound harsh here... even if I may come across like that in this post.

The truth is: I'm also talking to MYSELF just as much as I'm talking to YOU, if you haven't or aren't having the success you deserve now. Or if you've HAD success with something else, and are still trying to 'figure this internet marketing shit out.'

So the best way of having success with this OR ANY program is to:
1. Learn a little. 
2. DO and APPLY what you've learned so far. 
3. Figure some things out based on what you learned so far.
4. Do some more.
5. Keep learning and keep applying. Remove what doesn't work and continue to apply what does.
6. Rinse and repeat.

Having said that, let me add this:
There are things out there that are being sold that are pure crap. 
We ALL know this, and that's why this wonderful forum exists!
I love this place, and happily come here every day. (I probably shouldn't, but I do, 'cause of all you cool people here... and the cool shit that's shared!)
But there's also stuff that's sold/taught/shared that DOES have value in it.
Sometimes, the things that are taught are criticized by otherwise people with good intentions. They say these things because they believe them, and because they're expressing their opinion. And everyone's opinions are based on their individual experiences in their lives. 
Are they right? Yes. Are they wrong? Yes.

But what makes it right or wrong for YOU?
Only YOU can decide that for yourself.

Here's the problem:
IF you learn/read/see something that looks interesting to you, and you HONESTLY feel like it could work,
then what should you do?
Should you come to the forums and read what everyone else (including those who haven't tried it yet) are saying?
But you shouldn't choose NOT to do something that you believe could seriously make a huge difference for yourself and your family, simply because someone is expressing their negative opinion about it.

Because you may get in to a bad habit of continuing to do this... over and over again.

You start to become like an attorney - continuously looking for the BAD or the WRONG in something.
But attorneys do that in order to offer a solution for their clients and get paid for it.
If you keep looking for the bad in something, you're simply developing a bad habit of looking for an excuse not to do something, in order to remain in your comfort zone.

Am I right?

Please don't ask me how I know all this. :)

The Take-Away (regarding this or any other program):
The ONLY way to decide if something truly works or not is to DO it and discover the truth for yourself.

Ask yourself, "Hey, self... What's the worst that could happen here?"
For example, if you use this program (the Kenny Cannon/Mario consulting thing), you'd only be out a few hours - from watching his endless videos (yeah, he DOES talk a lot! lol) and probably less than $50 (if that).
But what you'll GAIN is extremely valuable!
You'll get phone experience - with actual prospects!
You'll have the opportunity to offer value to biz owners.
You'll gain skills in the most coveted and lucrative area: Sales (marketing, too).

And - you just might - get a client or two or three who will pay you thousands of bucks for helping them.

Or, you could just ignore this and move on to the next item in the feed.

It's up to you.

***End of TheBigDaddy's Advice Column***

Thanks for reading!

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