Sunday 6 November 2016

Tird of IM

I'm tired.

That's right I said it. 

I'm and soon tired.

Tired of all the post that promise all these "instant riches" all this post that tell you that you will be able to make money with just the push of a button. 

Tired of all the crappy products that are on the internet that take more of your money and gives you nothing in return. 

I am tired of the people that keep saying that internet marketing doesn't work and think that every person who is selling on the internet is trying to scam them. 

Yes I am.

I know you are too. Maybe you are the struggling newbie who is trying to get started and you are overwhelmed with all of the information that is available online. 

Maybe you are the person who has been struggling to make it online. 

If this is you then I know that this post will help you to get started on the right track.

Now with this post the information that I will be sharing is nothing new. In fact it might be something that you have heard many times before from different people. This time I want you to really pay attention and lets get this internet marketing business thing handled once and for all. 

The first thing that you must understand about making money online is that it is not EASY! There I said it and I mean every single word of it. There is nothing easy about making money online unless you are doing spam methods which if you are then good for you. 

I am here to talk to the people who are ready to make real long term money online. 

The first thing that you need to understand is that you must bring more "Value" to the table. This goes for internet marketing and your life in general. The more value you can bring to the lives of the people that you come into contact with the more good things will happen in your life. 

I don't say that to sound woo woo, but it is something I've seen happen in my own life. The more that I actually give to the people around me the more good things start to happen in my life. 

Which brings me to my first point. The first rule when it comes to making money online is to put yourself last and always think about your customer first. I know right now you might be confused, but just trust me on this one it works. The truth is nobody that you will be selling to will care about anything that you are selling unless they can see how it will impact their lives. 

Nobody cares about you are your product until you can show them how it will affect their lives. This is the first part of internet marketing success. 

The next step is..

Choose A Method That Works

There are methods online that we know work. Too many times I see people getting caught up in trying to using different loopholes and all kinds of other things that will make them money. The problem with these kinds of methods is that they often get patched and your income can go to zero literally overnight. 

This is why you should build your business on a method that works in the beginning. 

Here is the basic formula to making money online:

Traffic----> Offer-----> Backend

This is how an internet marketing business functions underneath everything else that might be going on. This is how you build a successful business. 

The first part of the equation is the traffic. Traffic online refers to the people that come to your website or page. 

The next part is your offer. The offer is where you will make your money. Your offer should be something that offers value to the traffic that is coming to your site. 

Once you get them to your offer you pull them through your backend which is your funnel and the other things that you do to make them love you and keep buying from you for the rest of their lives. Or until they get annoyed with you and unsubscribe. 

The above structure is the basics of an online business and how to make money online. Often times too many people get caught up in the different methods when the only thing they need to be focusing on is the above formula. 

Stick To One Method

You would not believe how many people were on the verge of hitting big online and then they quit and went to the next best method online. There are lots of people that this happen to every single day. 

Its so easy online to switch and start doing something else. We don't have someone telling us what we can and can't do. The only problem with switching methods to quickly is that you stop yourself from getting the success that you desire. 

The people who've been able to make the most money online are the people that stuck to one things and saw it through till the bitter end.

Optimize And Scale 

Once you find something that is working the next thing that you want to do is scale and make even more money. You have tested you method and you know that it is something that works and you've been able to make it work consistently. The next thing is to make even more money. 

This is called scaling. When you scale you bring even more traffic to your offer and you begin to make more money. At this point you have to two option you can maintain this or you can try something else and go through the same process. 

I'll let you know one thing, success online or in life will call for some sacrifice. You will have to give up the going out on the weekend and the partying. You will have to give up the TV watching and the many other things that stop you from using your time to build your business.


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